Monday, May 02, 2011

Pussy on Patrol!

Pepper loves going on a car ride and sitting in the front seat. She loves looking out the window and watching the world goes by.

Pepper : What does the sign say? Where we going?

Pepper : I know this place, we are going home!

This is how she stand on the dashboard. Be sure the nails are all cut if you wanna try this! And no sudden step on the brake!

Just chilling.....

Pepper : There is such a big world out there.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All settled

I know I have been really bad at keeping this blog updated, but its been quite a crazy few months. But everything is settled at the new place. The kids are especially happy with the new house.

Everybody like hanging out on the sofa.

Nothing like an afternoon nap.


Even the princess is happy and is extra sociable.