Friday, July 25, 2008

Hidden Paws

I caught Pelud trying to hide her paws when she is hanging out in the house. She doesn't like anyone to touch her paws.

Pelud: What you looking at?

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pillow Cat

Garlic is a true pillow cat. Not only he likes to sit on a pillow, he also doesn't mind me using him as a pillow.

I sometimes just rest my head on top of him and he will sit just quietly, purring like a sewing machine.

Garlic : What? I love pillows. I think they are the best thing! And mummy's head is not that heavy. But if she sits on me, I'll scream!

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Pelud and Winter

Pelud are not bothered by Winter at all, through the glass door, of course.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Waiting for food

The Spice Cats have stopped eating canned food for a while now. They are just not interested in it anymore and I stopped buying it.

Pelud is staying with us for about 1 month. She likes her Whiskers tuna. And seeing Pelud enjoying her canned food, the Spice Cats have started eating canned food again!

The Spice Cats waiting for Pelud to finish her share so that they can have the leftovers.

Sesame is waiting ever so patiently..... but dare not get too near to Pelud.

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