Friday, October 19, 2007

The Baby Lion

Some of you guessed it right! Its a Lion cut and none other than the Baby Spice Cat, Sesame....

I am still not used to how thin and small he looks now. But he is incredibly adorable.

Pepper is the first to check out her funny-looking son.

Followed by Garlic. Ginger is simply just not interested.

A big head with a small body, and a bulging tummy!

A closer look at Sesame's marking. He actually has spots, not stripes.

He nows no longer sleep on his back, I think he is no longer hot, with very much less fur.

Sesame : Its all your fault! You voted for me to get the Lion Cut. Now look at me now!
But I think I do look cute, don't you think so?

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Lux said...

I think you look adorable! Your belly must be how my flab skirt would look w/o the furs!

Daisy said...

Sesame, you look cute with and without your furs! I like the cute little spots on your skin. Do not worry, I have a hanging belly, too.

Unknown said...

Very cute! A spotted kitty cat! Meow!

eiko-chan said...

Sesame looks so cute!~ Too bad HeeChul couldn't get a lion cut, otherwise she'd be thrilled seeing that she "idolizes" Simba from The Lion King, hahaha =P!

I noticed Sesame has a tummy like HeeChul!
I was initially worried about it, i thought her "lumpy tummy" could be the "side-effect" of her spaying operation or something, so i asked the vet, and she told me its her fat-pact (= =")...
I have to put her on a diet now because she's overweight *sigh*...

Anonymous said...

I feel Sesame looks like poodle dog than lion. Anyway, Sesame is cute as poodle cat. hehehe

Anonymous said...

Sesame, I am amazed at how good you look. Your new fur looks nothing like your old fur. You really do have spots and not stripes. It's so weird, I would have never guessed it.

dreckker said...

looks good though... :)

Sarah said...

they did a good job with the trimming and all :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not little Sesame. They look so different shaved like that. I couldn't imagine Calista like that but I bet in the hot summer she'd like it.

Ellen Whyte said...

Sesame looks very odd with his new hair cut. Do you have to take special care of the shaved part or is the skin OK>

Blondie said...

These photos are fantastic. Such a cute little meow. I want to rub that cute belly. It's odd how King has licked all of the fur off his belly so that it's his only naked part. It's like the exact opposite of your kitties!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

katztales, Sesame's skin is fine. The fur is not completely shaved off. We left about 2cm of fur left. In fact, I think he likes it as he feels less warm now, with less fur :)

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, is getting cold here in the Big Piney Woods. That looks like a summer haircut.
