Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It was a Sunday afternoon, Sesame was enjoying the sunlight shinning through the glass door.

Too much sun also makes him sleepy.

So he decided to find a more comfortable place to bask in the sunlight.

Sesame : Mummy, you seems to be holding that thing in your face for awhile now.


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Kenangan Lalu said...

I love Sesame~

myQza said...

sesame soo cute!!!

Slash and Bronzy said...

Sesame, you is soooo handsome!!!


Kitikata-san said...

what a nice little hiding spot for a nap!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh Sesame! What a cutie you are. Those sunny spots look so comfy.

Gattina said...

Lucky Sesame, I wished we had some more sun here, after 2 weeks of unusual heat, we are sitting in the rain again, lol !

Ydiana said...

Love the fur..!!