Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dogathon 2009

Having Abel with me proves too much for me to handle both him and the camera. So I ended up with very few photos. And half of the photos I took came out blur. Here are some 'OK' photos that I took.

It was hot! This little fella decided to take a break.

Barely 2 months old. It safer by mummy's legs.

This fella reminds me of Spike :)

The weirdest dog of the day! And she does not look very happy!

And of course, Abel's mate for the day, our cute little Whiskey!

Just relaxing after a long walk...


Cathy said...

Hahahaha.....Whisky looks like a fluffy white rabbit in the 2nd last photo! Thanks for putting them up. :) Why no photos of Abel? :(

Ellen Whyte said...

Hey I've got the same pic of Whisky! Next time you want to take pics, let me know and I'll hold Abel. He looked so well behaved, I'd no idea you were being deprived of photo opportunities :-)

Kitikata-san said...

What nice photos of woofies! All very cute. I feel bad for weird dog. Those shoes could not be comfortable, and the color of fur, not so good either. I hope weird dog got lots of treats for enduring the indignity.

KitKat said...

ohhhh..Whisky looks as cute as ever! I sympathize with the weird dog...would'nt want to be in his shoes....