Monday, September 03, 2007

A Tenant for 5 Months

Scarlett will be staying in the Spice Cats house for 5 months while her mommy is back in London. Scarlett arrived last night at about 845pm. I was slightly (just slightly) worried that there might be another cat fight (Read about the 1st cat fight here). But there were no cat fights. There were some hissing, but no cat fights.

Scarlett came just in time for dinner. She ate, and the Spice Cats watched.

Sesame watched very closely. He is always the first to reach the food, but this time he lets Scarlett eats first.

Sesame waited patiently for Scarlett to finish before his turn to eat.


Anonymous said...

Sesame was very nice to let her eat first! I hope they become good friends, and I hope Scarlett enjoys her visit! :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Scarlett will be staying with you for a long time! Very nice of you to look after her. I'm glad there were no fights!

Daisy said...

I am glad there were no fights. Scarlett is a pretty cat. And Sesame, I am proud of you for having such good manners.

Lux said...

That's wonderful that there was no fighting - I hope things continue on in the same vein!

Ellen Whyte said...

Another visitor? You could start up a luxury cattery!

Ellen Whyte said...

Another visitor? You could start up a luxury cattery!

Anonymous said...

Scarlett is so at home, wish I were like that. The Spice cats are so nice to accomodate Scarlett. Sesame has become a gentleman or gentlecat?

eiko-chan said...

Hey Sharlene, my cousin was just wondering if the kittens at your friends' house has already find a new home? She's interested in them cause!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Hi Eiko, so nice of your cousin to think of adopting. Too bad the mother cat moved all the kittens away on the 2nd week. I hope both the mother and kittens are doing fine.

Anonymous said...

Sesame is surprisingly patient. I think mine would have head swatted eventually! Scarlet is lucky to have such a wonderful home to stay in...that is a long time. That cat has to make alot of adjustments poor thing.

Blondie said...

I am amazed that you have so many visitors to your home. If I am ever going on a trip, I'm totally shipping King and Webster to you. Hee hee.

eiko-chan said...

Oh, its really too bad, but i do hope they are doing fine now (^^ )!