Thursday, May 03, 2007


Last Wednesday, in conjunction with Secretary's Day, a group of very dear friends sent me a bouquet of pink and red roses. No, I do not work as a secretary nor a personal assistant or anything close. Its a long story.

But anyway, the cats have never seen roses before so they are all very curious.

Garlic and Pelud were the first to check the flowers out but they were more interested in the ribbons.

Sesame thinks pink roses are absolutely lovely. And they sure smell nice too!

When I put the roses into a vase, Pelud start munching on the leaves.

Ginger, seeing that Pelud enjoyed the leaves so much, started munching on the leaves too! I have to remove the vase from the floor before the 2 cats start munching all the leaves away!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are lovely flowers! Beautiful. :) Sesame, you look very pretty smelling the pink rose. :)

Gattina said...

Lovely pictures ! They look very decorative flowers and cats together ! Sesame with his nose in the rose is soo cute !

Daisy said...

Those flowers are beautiful! And I see some little daisies in there, too!

Willow said...

Those are really beautiful flowers. I would be sniffing them to if I was there. Yesterday my Food Lady brought home a catnip plant. China Cat & I really liked that!

Anonymous said...

What a great shot of Sesame smelling the rose. Pelud is eating the leaves like salad and Ginger is acquiring the taste too.

=^..^= said...

Putty as they are... flowers and leaves juz dun stand a chance against us cats.


Blondie said...

King and Webster are so interested in flowers that I always have to put them way high up. But this morning, I did bust Webster trying to eat the strap on some high heels I left out. Does that count? Hee hee.

Sarah said...

Those bouquet of flowers are beautiful!!

Luna und Luzie said...

Beautiful flowers there. Great pictures !
Luna loves to smell on flowers, too and sometimes she is eating them. I have to be careful !

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

u meen to tell me yer mom got rozez fer secretariez day an she'z not a secretaree?
dat'z intrestin.
luv--yer frend--jh

Catzee said...

Oooo! Toys!

DK & The Fluffies said...

tasty treats for all!

Lux said...

Lovely flowers! We all check out anything new also!

Kitikata-san said...

All of you are too cute! Pelud looks like he is fitting right in.